Real estate
Belgian and international public and private real estate law is a particularly specialist field requiring intensive professional guidance. From the decision to develop a project site (pre-contractual phase, rights of use, public contracts, etc.), when obtaining the necessary environmental permits (urban development activities, IIOA, land parcelling, etc.), during the construction phase (liability risks, neighbourhood nuisance, etc.), during the final acceptance and in the event of potential disputes thereafter (ten-year liability, indemnification against hidden defects, indemnification against eviction, enforcement in relation to urban development and environmental offences, etc.) we offer the most comprehensive and professional guidance and assistance. More than ever, real estate projects require a multidisciplinary approach. Agio Legal’s multidisciplinary team not only includes specialists in aspects related to private construction law, but also in public and environmental law, litigation, (real estate) transaction law, tax law, etc. We implement innovative solutions that cover the entire life cycle of a real estate and project development project, taking into account the interests of the actors involved in the construction, such as the developer, the contractor, the investor, the user, etc. Even when the project is eventually sold, we accompany the buyer or seller throughout the entire process.