Boots on the ground

Labour law

Labour law establishes rights & duties of any employment relationship. Agio Legal knows this field in detail and offers you the right advice.

Agio Legal’s labour law team was created from the merger with the reputable boutique labour law firm Tilleman Van Hoogenbemt. This merger was a deliberate choice because today, more than ever, labour law issues are intertwined with other areas such as corporate law, privacy, tax law, etc., and the fact that these specialists are close at hand means we can move quickly and optimally serve our clients.

Thanks to our years of expertise and advanced specialisation in labour and social security law, Agio Legal is your professional partner for both legal and strategic tailor-made guidance for any questions or disputes concerning the relationship between (former) employer and (former) employee. In any situation and at any point in the employment relationship.

We have been active for many years across every possible economic sector to which fundamentally different labour law rules often apply, which means we are highly familiar with them. Given how closely labour law is intertwined with human relationships, we believe that the focus on the psychological, emotional and (corporate) cultural aspects of a case is as crucial as the law itself.

We guarantee a no-nonsense approach: a clear and practical answer to your labour law issue, so that you can deal with it immediately. We take responsibility and act decisively to address your labour law case. Furthermore we are crystal-clear in our assessment as to whether or not a case has a chance of success. And we aim to work preventively to avoid the many labour law pitfalls and potential litigation. Therefore, obtaining timely advice is crucial to avoid labour law-related problems. But if we have to, we will defend you unreservedly in labour court, assist you during investigations by inspectorates and conduct negotiations at all levels.

labour law

Contact us now for:

  • Personnel management – We assist you with the implementation of all labour and social law obligations, including drafting tailor-made employment contracts and employment regulations, as well as policies (e.g., cars, mobility, bicycle, teleworking, privacy, social media, social compliance, ethics or whistleblower guidelines), and compliance with obligations regarding working hours, overtime, social security contributions, optimal remuneration, expense allowances, occupational safety, bullying, discrimination, occupational accidents, absenteeism and sickness, group insurance, pension, outplacement, etc.
  • Dismissal procedures – We are ready to assist you in dismissal procedures (including for a serious cause, protected workers, collective dismissal, closure and judicial reorganisations), even before the final decision has been taken. In some cases, a brief conversation with us early in the proceedings allows you to avoid challenges further down the line.
  • Social criminal law and social inspection – We assist you if you are under investigation by the social inspectorate, and defend you in social criminal law cases.
  • Takeovers and restructuring – Changes within your company or its acquisition involve many challenges, such as the application of CLA 32bis. We advise on the practical application of labour law principles and conduct social due diligence to identify potential risks.
  • Collective labour law – We advise you on the implementation of collective terms and conditions in collective agreements, the organisation of social elections or a works council, as well as strikes. We perform a review with you of whether the right joint committee has been applied, and assist you in contesting it.
  • Working with third parties – We examine the way in which third-party staff are employed or self-employed persons are hired to ensure compliance with the rules on false self-employment, temporary employment and prohibited posting and cross-border employment (including secondment, expatriates and salary split).