Podcast with Caesar Hao: The Voice of Hao

AGIO Capital
Our very own TsungYen Wu was part of Caesar Hao’s podcast, The Voice of Hao 郝聲音.
Dealing with cross-cultural & cross-border issues is never as easy & fancy as it sounds. Yen shared his lively adventure during the podcast: 12 years of living in 6 countries; how he started from scratch as a Taiwanese in Europe & in Asia. Every step, every stage is a learning curve. He started his multiculture journey as an exchange student in Sweden, and later opened up a whole new chapter in Jena and Berlin in Germany.
After finishing up his PhD in Charité Berlin, the whole biotech entrepreneurship in Benelux brought him to us, followed by his relocation to our Shanghai Office as part of our Healthcare team. Want to know more? You may grab a friend who speaks Mandarin to enjoy it, as it’s recorded in Mandarin Chinese!
Click here for the podcast.